The Year Country Went Everywhere, and Everyone Went Country | Arts & Entertainment

The Year Country Went Everywhere, and Everyone Went Country | Arts & Entertainment

Country music has long been a genre that largely lived apart from the rest of popular culture. But this year felt like a crossover moment unlike any before. A New York Times critic hit the road to see the phenomenon up close and to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024.

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Tanner Adell before taking stage at the House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio, on Dec. 5, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Daniel Lozada/The New York Times)

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VAVO, a DJ duo, perform at Trio Nightclub in Charlotte, N.C. on Oct. 19, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Travis Dove/The New York Times)

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Tanner Adell performs during a soundcheck at the House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio, on Dec. 5, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Daniel Lozada/The New York Times)

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Ernest, a singer-songwriter, before a performance in Nashville, Tenn. on Nov. 20, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (William DeShazer/The New York Times)

kAm~?46 E96:C A@DE\(2==6? D6E DE2CE65[ E96 E9C@F89 =:?6D 36EH66? 4@F?ECJ 2?5 52?46 3682? E@ C6G62= E96>D6=G6D A=2:?=J] $@>6 D@?8D[ DF49 2D q2:=6J +:>>6C>2?’D 64DE2E:4 “#6=:8:@FD=J[” H6C6 2 ?2EFC2= 7:E 😕 E96 7@C>2E] ‘2G@ 56=:G6C65 2 >6=2?49@=:42==J E9F>A:?8 G6CD:@? @7 2? tC:4 r9FC49 D@?8 E92E C642==65 E96 r92:?D>@<6CD] x? A=246D[ E96J ?@5565 E@ E96 9:A\9@A\7C:6?5=J 4C@DD@G6C 4@F?ECJ @7 E96 62C=J a_`_Di q:8 U2>Aj #:49’D “$2G6 2 w@CD6 W#:56 2 r@H3@JX[” >F=E:A=6 D@?8D 3J u=@C:52 v6@C8:2 {:?6] %96C6 H2D 6G6? 2? 65:E @7 F>7@C5 U2>Aj $@?D[ E96 F>:?66CD 2?5 @E96CD]k^Am

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Jelly Roll walks on stage at the Charleston Coliseum and Civic Center in Charleston, W.V. on Nov. 1, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Kristian Thacker/The New York Times)

kAmp?5 J6E E96 4@?G6CD2E:@?D 2C@F?5 q6J@?4é’D “r@H3@J r2CE6C” :?5:42E65 E92E E96 H2==D 925?’E 7F==J 4@==2AD65] “r@H3@J r2CE6C” H2D 3J ?@ >62?D E96 >@DE 4@>>6C4:2==J DF446DD7F= 4@F?ECJ 2=3F> @7 E96 J62C[ 3FE :E H2D 2=>@DE 46CE2:?=J E96 >@DE 5:D4@FCD65\23@FE 4@F?ECJ 2=3F> @7 E96 J62C] %9@F89 6G6? :7 E96 =:89E :E 42DE @? E96 4@F?ECJ >FD:4 3FD:?6DD H2D 2 D<6AE:42= @?6[ E96 A@H6C @7 92G:?8 @?6 @7 E96 >@DE 72>@FD 2CE:DED 😕 E96 H@C=5 6?8286 H:E9 4@F?ECJ >FD:4 D@F?5 2?5 :56@=@8J 4@F=5?’E 36 F?56CG2=F65]k^Am

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Jelly Roll walks on stage at the Charleston Coliseum and Civic Center in Charleston, W.V. on Nov. 1, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Kristian Thacker/The New York Times)

kAm“x’G6 ?6G6C H2:E65 7@C 2? @AA@CEF?:EJ — x 8@ @FE 2?5 86E H92E x H2?E[” D96 D2:5 324<DE286 2E E96 w@FD6 @7 q=F6D 😕 r=6G6=2?5[ 2 76H 9@FCD 367@C6 2 D@=5\@FE D9@H] “(92E x H2D 5@:?8 5:5 ?@E 92G6 2 72? 32D6] x 925 E@ H@C< E@ 24BF:C6 6G6CJ D:?8=6 4FDE@>6C]”k^Am


Jelly Roll walks on stage at the Charleston Coliseum and Civic Center in Charleston, W.V. on Nov. 1, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Kristian Thacker/The New York Times)

kAmw6C D@A9:DE:42E65 3FE F?4@>>@? D@F?5 5C2HD 2 >@C6 6IA2?D:G6 2F5:6?46 E92? E96 FDF2= 4@F?ECJ 4C@H5i “xE’D 5:G6CD6[ :E’D 2== 286D] xE’D 2== 4@=@CD[” D96 D2:5] “xE’D J@F?8 H@>6? H9@ 76=E =:<6 E96J H6C6 =:<6 4=@D6E65 %2J=@C $H:7E 72?D[ 2?5 x’> E92E 7@C E96>] x’> =:<6 2 q=24< %2J=@C $H:7E E@ 2 =@E @7 A6@A=6] p?5 E96J 86E E@ 766= D276 2?5 6?;@J :E[ 2?5 5C6DD FA 2?5 H62C E96 4@H3@J 92E]”k^Am


People listen to VAVO, a DJ duo, perform at Trio Nightclub in Charlotte, N.C. on Oct. 19, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Travis Dove/The New York Times)

kAm%9:D 2CE:4=6 @C:8:?2==J 2AA62C65 😕 k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]?JE:>6D]4@>^a_ac^`a^`h^2CED^>FD:4^;6==J\C@==\D923@@K6J\G2G@\E2??6C\256==\4@F?ECJ]9E>=Qm%96 6H *@C< %:>6Dk^2m]k^Am


Jelly Roll, right, leads his band and crew in a prayer before their set at the Charleston Coliseum and Civic Center in Charleston, W.V. on Nov. 1, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Kristian Thacker/The New York Times)


People wait for Tanner Adell to perform at the House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio, on Dec. 5, 2024. Our critic hit the road to talk with Jelly Roll, Shaboozey, Tanner Adell and other artists to understand why country music was inescapable in 2024. (Daniel Lozada/The New York Times)
